Hide & Seek

Hide & Seek

The outdoors are on air.
Nature, design, emotion.

A precious inlet, lying amid solid granite rocks, hosts a dwelling embraced by a natural forest of junipers and mastics; an immersive place that seems to blend in with the vegetation, creating fluid connections between nature, design and architecture.
Here, a man and a woman seek each other out from morning till dawn of the next day, in an allusion to the famous and traditional pastime of playing ‘hide-and-seek’.

Drawing inspiration from French and Italian cinema of the 1960s and 1970s, with constant references to the fascination with painting and photography of the past, Hide&Seek is Ethimo’s new short film. Each collection creates emotions, experiences and memories. A narrative that traverses the more emotional side of the relationship between man and design, in which the latter is a vehicle for empathy, creativity and culture.

Happy browsing!

Hide & Seek Ethimo
Hide & Seek Ethimo
Hide & Seek Ethimo

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